Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
, стат., амер. сельское хозяйство, лесная промышленность, рыболовство и охота*
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
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Forestry in Ethiopia — In the late nineteenth century, about 30% of Ethiopia was covered with forest. The clearing of land for agricultural use and the cutting of trees for fuel gradually changed the scene, and today forest areas have dwindled to less than 4% of… … Wikipedia
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification — was jointly developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand in order to make it easier to compare industry statistics between the two countries and with the rest of the world.The 2006 edition of the ANZSIC replaced the … Wikipedia
Canadian industrial research and development organizations — Expenditures by Canadian corporations on research and development accounted for about 50% of all spending on scientific research and development in Canada in 2007. In the corporate sector research and development tends to focus on the creation or … Wikipedia
Agriculture in Mongolia — constitutes 20.6% of Mongolia s annual Gross domestic product and employs 42% of the labor force. However, the high altitude, extreme fluctuation in temperature, long winters, and low precipitation provides limited potential for agricultural… … Wikipedia
forestry — /fawr euh stree, for /, n. 1. the science of planting and taking care of trees and forests. 2. the process of establishing and managing forests; forestation. 3. forestland. [1685 95; < MF foresterie. See FOREST, RY] * * * Management of forested… … Universalium
Agriculture in the United Kingdom — A combine harvester in Scotland Agriculture in the United Kingdom uses around 71% of the country s land area and contributes about 0.6% of its gross value added. The UK produces less than 60% of the food it eats and the industry s share of the… … Wikipedia
Agriculture in Saskatchewan — is the production of various food, feed, or fiber commodities to fulfill domestic and international human and animal sustenance needs. The newest agricultural economy to be developed in renewable biofuel production or agricultural biomass which… … Wikipedia
Fishing industry in New Zealand — Sea floor map around New Zealand. As with other countries, New Zealand’s 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone gives its fishing industry special fishing rights.[1] It covers 4.1 million square kilometres. This is the sixth largest zone in… … Wikipedia
NAICS 11 — NAICS sector 11 (abbreviated to NAICS 11) is a sub classification of economic activity that covers agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting in the NAICS system in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and… … Wikipedia
List of fishing topics — This page is a list of fishing topics. AlphanumericTOC align=center nobreak= numbers= seealso= externallinks= references= top=| 11959 Escuminac Hurricane22004 Morecambe Bay cockling disasterAA Pobra do Caramiñal A River Somewhere Abalone ABU… … Wikipedia
History of agriculture in the People's Republic of China — For over 4,000 years, China has been a nation of farmers. By the time the People s Republic of China was established in 1949, virtually all arable land was under cultivation; irrigation and drainage systems constructed centuries earlier and… … Wikipedia